Ark Animal Clinics offers a progressive approach to veterinary care. Our Wellness Program focuses on preventative medicine based on the specific life-stage of your pet. Each patient is assessed individually based on factors such as species, breed, age and environmental challenges. Next, we offer recommendations for prevention, nutrition and diagnostic workups appropriate for your pet.
Our role is to educate you on procedures and medications that are beneficial to your pet. This allows us to be flexible with our recommendations and gives you more control of your pets’ healthcare.
The key to the Ark Animal Clinics Wellness Program is an emphasis on the annual health examination. Each year when your pet comes in, he or she will receive a comprehensive physical exam and age-appropriate ancillary diagnostics (such as blood pressure screening, parasite tests and blood work) to screen for early signs of disease.
For participants in the Ark Animal Clinics Wellness Program, any vaccinations due at the time of the annual exam will be given at current participant rates. Patients with health-related concerns will be recommended more advanced diagnostics when needed. More frequent re-evaluations will most likely become necessary for those pets with ongoing illnesses.
Please contact us at (304) 754-5300 for more information or to enroll your pet in the Ark Animal Clinics Wellness Program.